Un réel pour le XXI sciècle
IXth Congress of the WAP • 14-18 april 2014 • Paris • Palais des Congrès • www.wapol.org

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Luiz Fernando
Interview on the theme « A Real for the XXIst Century »
by Marcus André Vieira
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Luiz Fernando evokes the treatment of a new real that the Church has to deal with.

Read abstract
in portuguese

Luiz Fernando comentada a renúncia do Papa Bento XVI na tentativa de tratamento de um novo real para a Igreja. Discute-se que à época de sua renúncia havia uma crise dentro da igreja, e, na tentativa de atravessamento de um real institucional, e não pessoal, Bento XVI haveria renunciado. A vinda do Papa Francisco para o Brasil poderia servir de demonstração de uma continuidade desse tratamento do real, que marcaria uma renúncia da ala conservadora segundo a lógica do sacrifício do pontificado de Bento XVI.

in english

Luiz Fernando sees, in the resignation of Pope Benoît XVI an attempt to treat a new real with hich the Church is faced. He maintains thay this act comes in answer to a crisis at the heart of the Church and must be considered as the manifestation of a real in the institution and not as a personal renunciation.

Pope Francisco's visit to Brazil would demonstrate then, the continuity of this treatment of the real, that marks the defeat of the conservative wing of the vatican that follows a logic of sacrifice.

Translated from the French : Julia Richards

Bio & biblio
in english

President of the Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis (EBP)