Tuesday, April 15th, in room 251, come and see the exhibit, « Fragments », on the theme of the Congress, A Real for the 21st Century. Seven artists will present their work:
F.-H. Freda and G.Wajcmaninvite you to participate!
Francisco-Hugo Freda and Gérard Wajcman invite those whoso desire, to draw or write on « The almost white
pages » left at their disposal in G. Wajcman's novel, The Forbidden . « The concert of all these voices » will form
a new book, « The Forbidden, Rewritten ». All day Monday, April 14th, near the bookshop.
Performance - mode d'emploi par Gérard Wajcman
Your poster autographed by Pablo Reinoso
Pablo Reinoso, artist and designer, will autograph both posters of his works, A Real for the 21st Century and Letters, on Tuesday, April 15th from 1p.m. to 3p.m., in the exhibit room (room 215).