Un réel pour le XXI sciècle
IXth Congress of the WAP • 14-18 april 2014 • Paris • Palais des Congrès • www.wapol.org

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Javier Codesal
Portrait of a Real

Interview by Gabriela Medin y Leonora Troianovski

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Javier Codesal, visual artist and poet, is a pioneer of Spanish video art. With his camera, he explores this unstable zone where limits peep through: pain, illness and death. « Pain is a precise witness that delimits territories, as much on the outside as on the inside of ourselves », says he.

According to him, art attempts to render flesh, to give body, and encounters emptiness. Sometimes we get the impression of having captured something that with the image we can touch. So, we get the impression that there, there's something alive. « In the creative act, there's always something that misses. But there's also something succeeds. At least, when we sing something is located… ».

Vídeos and installations video:

  • Retrato de Francisco del Río. Vídeo, 35´, 2014, Los pies que faltan. Vídeo. 151',2012, O Milagre da Carne. Cine, 14´, 1994, Sábado Legionario. Vídeo, 25', 1988.
  • Longevos. Videoinstalación, 18´20", 2008. Mayte. Videoinstalación, 11´, 2005. Fábula de un hombre amado. Videoinstalación, 19´, 1999. Fábula a destiempo. Videoinstalación, 12´, 1996. El Manto de Verónica. Videoinstalación, 12´, 1992.

Translation: Julia Richards